As I was testing the new iPad Pro concerning it’s suitabilty as a laptop replacement in my courses, I quickly found noticed that fonts were missing in my Keynote slides. So the question was, how do I install custom fonts, such as the HdM Frutiger font on the iPad. The solution is easy if you use a Mac and the “Apple Configurator 2” tool. There are other solutions you can find on Google. Most recommend to buy an app for about 2$ that allows to install fonts. But with the free Apple tool it is event easier. Here is how it works:

  1. Download the “Apple Configurator 2” from the App-Store on your Mac here: Apple Configurator 2
  2. Connect your device to your Mac via USB
  3. Open “Apple Configurator 2” and select your device
  4. Press ⌘-N