About Me

Ansgar Gerlicher in front of FlexCAR platform at Hannover Trade Show 2022
Ansgar Gerlicher presenting FlexCAR research project at the Hannover Trade Show 2022

Ansgar Gerlicher, PhD

Full Professor (Research-Professorship) in Computer Science

Director of Research in Mobile & Automotive Applications
Founder of the research lighthouse REMEX

Deputy Head
Institute for Applied Research

Co-Founder & Director
The Institute for Mobility and Digital Innovation
Research Lighthouse STRIVE – Seamless Interaction in Immersive Environments

Project Lead XR based user-centered development
ARENA2036 – CARpulse

Member of the Doctoral Centre BW-CAR of the Doctoral Association of Universities of Applied Sciences Baden-Württemberg

Co-Founder & Chair
W3C Automotive Privacy Principles Community Group

University startup-mentor and co-founder of several start-ups
Head of interns’ office Mobile Media
Scientific Ombudsman
Member of the University Examination Board

Stuttgart Media University
Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart

Research areas:
Autonomous driving and UX in autonomous systems, transparent AI, E-Health, IoT,
Mobile Applications, Mobile Security, Embedded Systems, In-Vehicle-Infotainment Applications, Connected Car,
Virtual-, Augmented- and Mixed-Reality Applications in Research and Product Development

Course of studies:

Mobile Media (Bachelor)
Computer Science and Media (Master and Bachelor)

Nobelstr. 10, 70569 Stuttgart Germany

gerlicher at hdm-stuttgart dot de

DBLP: https://dblp.org/pid/81/9393.html

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7990-8158

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=R2J17RsAAAAJ&hl=de&oi=ao


I am active as Start-Up mentor in the HdM Sandbox programm:  https://sandbox-stuttgart.de/mentoren/.
If you are interested in founding your own company and need support, feel free to contact me.
Companies I have co-founded in the recent years:

gerenwa GmbH – Innovation Consultancy in Auto-/Mobile Apps and E-Health, co-founder (2015)

ovadoo GmbH – IoT Solutions and Bluetooth Mesh-Network Beacons, co-founder (2016)

NeverNull GmbH – Cross-Platform Rapid App Development Solutions (eXist grant winner),  co-founder (2018)

Niato UG (formerly ParkHero) – Find free parking space in your area, technology advisor & partner (2018)

iam.health GmbH – developing great digital health products for the future, co-founder (2018)

KAMAlogic GmbH – Consuling for auto-/mobile apps and IoT, co-founder (2018)

I co-founded my first company in 1996 (netads Iffland, Gerlicher & Frech GbR), which we sold in 2005.
Since 2010 I was Co-Chairman of the Steinbeis Transfer Center (STZ) for Mobile Communication and Embedded Systems

Other Start-Ups I mentor(ed),  support(ed) and consult(ed):

Relionite / dirAct – eXist Women Grant Winner 2024
Luci Life -eXist Women Grant Winner 2023
Asthma App
Schule 4.0
MicroID (UniQu)


Member of the Car Connectivity Consortium

Member of the Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM), part of the Software-Oriented Vehicle Diagnostics (SOVD) standardization committee.

TPC Member of the International Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing in Disconnected, Intermittent and Limited (DIL) Networks (SOC-DIL)

TPC Member of the The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), Zhangjiajie, China, November 18-20, 2015

PC Member of the SCAP2024 (Stuttgart Conference On Automotive Production)

Guest Editor of the Journal on Mobile Information Systems 

Visiting Professor at the RMIT University Melbourne, Metropolia University Helsinki and Jönköping University Sweden.

PC Member of the The 16th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2016), Granada, Spain, December 14-16, 2016

Member of IEEE Consumer Electronics and Communications Society

Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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