
Gerlicher, A.; Guild, T.; Le Berre, P.: Connected Vehicle Cloud Architecture
Design For Interoperable Digital Trust.

COVESA All Member Meeting, Novi, MI, USA, 24.-25.9.2024. Link:

Schneider, T.; Hois, J.; Rosenstein, A.; Metzl, S.; Gerlicher, A.; Ghellal, S.; Love, S.: Don’t fail me! The Level 5 Autonomous Driving Information Dilemma regarding Transparency and User Experience

28th Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Sydney, Australia, 27.3.-31.3.2023. DOI: 10.1145/3581641.3584085

Gerlicher, A., Schneider, T. Lahres, M. et al; FlexCAR – Die Forschungsplattform von morgen.

WT-Online 9-2022, S.601-607, VDI Fachmedien,, September 2022.

Melaschuk, I.; Gerlicher, A.; Hofmann, J.-P.; Mass, R. Web-To-Publish / Web-To-Media – Wege crossmedialer Medienproduktion. Fünfte überarbeitete Auflage.

Melaschuk-Medien, Friedberg (Hessen) 10.06.2022, ISBN 978-3-00-045302-1, 288 Seiten,

Schneider, T.; Hois, J.; Rosenstein, A.; Lazzara, R.; Love, S.; Gerlicher, A.: Velocity Styles for Autonomous Vehicles affecting Control, Safety and User Experience.

ACM conference on Spatial User Interaction 2021, November 9-10, 2021, Online Virtual Conference,

Schneider, T.; Hois, J.; Rosenstein, A.; Ghellal, S.; Theofanou-Fülbier, D.; Gerlicher, A.: ExplAIn Yourself! Transparency for Positive UX in Autonomous Driving.

ACM conference on Computer Human Interaction 2021, May 8-13, 2021, Online Virtual Conference (originally Yokohama, Japan),

Schneider, T.; Ghellal, S.; Love, S.; Gerlicher, A.: Increasing the User Experience in Autonomous Driving through different Feedback Modalities

ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, April 13-17, 2021, Online Virtual Conference (originally Texas A&M University),

Herbert, R.; Menz, L.; Luo, C.; Gerlicher, A.; Wang, Q. et al.: Identifying Atypical Travel Patterns for Improved Medium-Term Mobility Prediction.

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12p, 23 October 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2947347

Birner, R.; Buchwald, H.; Daum, T.; Gerlicher, A.: Smartphone apps as a new method to collect data on smallholder farming systems in the digital age: A case study from Zambia.

Journal on Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 153, S. 144–150. ISSN: 0168-1699

Gerlicher, A.; Jordine, T. Mobile Learning and Mobile Game-based Learning.

In “Handbuch Mobile Learning”, de Witt, C.; Gloerfeld, C. (editor). Springer, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-19123-8. ISBN 978-3-658-19122-1.

Thomas Daum, Hannes Buchwald, Ansgar Gerlicher. Times Have Changed: Using a Pictorial Smartphone App to Collect Time–Use Data in Rural Zambia.

Field Methods, 31 (1), 3-22. SAGE Journals 2018.

Daum, T.; Birner, R.; Buchwald, H.; Gerlicher, A. Smartphone Apps as a new Method to Collect Data on Smallholder Farming Systems in the Digital Age: A Case Study from Zambia

22nd ICABR Conference,  “Disruptive Innovations, Value Chains, and Rural Development”, World Bank, Washington DC | June 12-15, 2018 ,Homepage:

Daum, T.; Birner, R.; Buchwald, H.; Gerlicher, A. Smartphones als Forschungsmethode? Die Potenziale von Apps zum Sammeln von “small- and smart data“ zum Erforschung von kleinbäuerlichen Farmsystemen.

38. GIL 2018-Jahrestagung. Digitale Marktplätze und Plattformen 26. und 27. Februar 2018 – Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Melaschuk, I.; Gerlicher, A.; Hofmann, J.-P.; Mass, R. Web-To-Publish / Web-To-Media – Wege crossmedialer Medienproduktion. Dritte überarbeitete Auflage.

Melaschuk-Medien, Friedberg 2017, ISBN 978-3-00-045302-1, 148 p.

Daum, T.; Buchwald, H.; Berner, R.;  Gerlicher, A. The potential of apps to study smallholder farming systems and more.

Rural 21 – The International Journal for Rural Development. DLG-Verlag GmbH. Frankfurt, Germany

Menz, L.; Herberth, R.;Luo, C.;Gauterin, F.;Gerlicher, A.;Wang, Q.: An improved method for mobility prediction using a Markov model and density estimation

2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2018

Daum, T.; Buchwald, H.; Berner, R.;  Gerlicher, A.: Proof of concept: using a smartphone application to collect time use and nutrition data in smallholder farming systems in Zambia.

Public Library of Science, PLOS ONE. OpenAccess Journal,

Wang, Q.; Wang, G.; Grecos, C.; Gerlicher, A.: Advances in Mobile Video Networking

Journal on Mobile Information Systems, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 9706378, 2 pages,

Menz, L.; Kehl,S.; Grill,F.; Gerlicher, A.: Challenges in implementing intelligent charging strategies

Proceedings of the VDE-Congress on Internet of Things, November 7th, 2016.

Fankhauser, T.; Gerlicher, A.; Wang, Q.; Grecos, C.: Resource Dependency Processing in Web Scaling Frameworks

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. IEEE DOI, 2016.

Thommes, D.; Gerlicher, A.; Wang, Q.; Grecos, C.: Graph-Based Caching for Server-Push Enabled Adaptive Hypertext Applications

Proceedings 18th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE-2015), Porto, Portugal, 20-23 October 2015, ISBN 978-1-4673-8297-7/15, IEEE DOI 10.1109/CSE.2015.22

Krome, S.; Goddard, W.; Greuter, S.; Walz, S.P.;Gerlicher, A.: A Context-based Design Process for Future Use Cases of Autonomous Driving: Prototyping AutoGym

Proceedings of the AutomotiveUI ’15, September 01 – 03, 2015, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2015 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3736-6/15/09, DOI:

Fankhauser,T.; Wang, Q.;Gerlicher, A.;Grecos, C.;and Wang, X.: Web Scaling Frameworks for Web Services in the Cloud

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, July 8. 2015, ISSN:1939-1374, DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2015.2454272

Melaschuk, I.; Gerlicher, A.; Hofmann, J.-P.; Mass, R. Web-To-Publish / Web-To-Media – Wege crossmedialer Medienproduktion

Melaschuk-Medien, Friedberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-00-045302-1, 148 p.

Krome, S.;Walz, S. P.; Greuter, S.; Holopainen, J.; Gerlicher, A.; Schleehauf,  M.: Exploring Game Ideas for Stresslessness in the Automotive Domain

In Proceedings of the Australasian (ACM) Conference on Interactive Entertaiment 2014, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, ACM, ISBN 978-1-4503-2790-9

Krome, S.;Walz, S. P.; Greuter, S.; Gerlicher, A.; Schleehauf,  M.: Exergaming in the Car: Preliminary Results of an Experimental Setup

In Proceedings of the Australasian (ACM) Conference on Interactive Entertaiment 2014, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, ACM, ISBN 978-1-4503-2790-9

Fankhauser, F.; Wang, Q.; Gerlicher, A.; Grecos, C.: Web Scaling Frameworks: A novel class of frameworks for scalable web services in cloud environments

In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC) 2014, 10-14 June, Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 978-1-4799-2004-4.

Reinsch, C.; Wang, Q.; Gerlicher, A.;Grecos, C.: Accelerated Service Discovery in Vehicular Networks

In Proceedings of the IEEE Eleventh International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) 2014, 26-29. August, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-1-4799-5863-4

Hoffmann-Walbeck, Th., Zimmermann, G., Hedler, M., Homann, J.-P., Henka, A.,
Riegel, S., Gerlicher, A., Goik, M., Strobbe, C.: Standards in der Medienproduktion 

Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, 2013, XI, 291 pages, ISBN 978-3-642-15042-5 (Print), ISBN (E-Book): 978-3-642-15043-2, PDF or EPUB

Müller, M.; Zoller, F.; Pansa, I.; Gerlicher, A.: Authentication on Mobile Devices for Business Applications

In GI Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics, Proceedings of the Open Identity Summit 2013, Sept. 2013, Kloster Banz, ISBN 978-3-88579-617-6

Thommes, D.; Gerlicher, A.; Wang, Q.; Grecos, C.: RemoteUI: A high-performance remote user interface system for mobile consumer electronic devices

In IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Volume 58, Issue: 3, pp. 1094-1102, August 2012, ISSN: 0098-3063

Thommes, D.; Wang, Q.; Gerlicher, A.; Grecos, C.: RemoteUI: A High-Performance Remote User Interface System for Mobile Consumer Electronic Devices.

In Proceedings of the IEEE ICCE Conference, Las Vegas, January 2012, pp. 669-670, ISBN 987-1-4577-0231-0. Awarded with the IEEE ICCE Best Poster Paper Award.

Gerlicher, A.: Die Grenzen des Browsers durchbrechen – Hybride Anwendungsentwicklung für mobile Endgeräte

In Stephan Verclas und Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (Hrsg.): Smart Mobile Apps: Mit Business-Apps ins Zeitalter mobiler Geschäftsprozesse. Springer Heidelberg Verlag, 29.11.2011, S. 161-176, ISBN 978-3642222580

Gerlicher, A.: Implementing XML data formats for the exchange and migration of electrical harness information

In Proceedings of the ProSTEP iViP Symposium, Berlin, 2008, S. 136-145, ISBN 978-3-9811864-6-8

Gerlicher, A.: Developing collaborative XML editing systems.

Dissertation, London College of Communication, University of the Arts, London, 2008

Gerlicher, A.: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) – kollaborative Systeme und Anwendungen.

In Schmitz, R. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der Medieninformatik – Medienpraxis. Springer Verlag, 2007, S. 143-196, ISBN 978-3-540-36629- 4

Gerlicher, A.: Transparent Extension of Single-User Applications to Multi-User Real-Time Collaborative Systems – An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Framework Integration.

In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Funchal, Portugal, 2007, S. 327-334, ISBN 978-972-8965-91-7

Gerlicher, A.: A Framework for Real-Time Collaborative Engineering in the Automotive Industries.

In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4101), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Collaborative Design Visualisation and Engineering, Mallorca, Spain, Springer Verlag, 2006, S. 164-173, ISBN 3-540-44494-7

Gerlicher, A.: Erweiterung bestehender Anwendungen um kollaborative Funktionen mit Hilfe des Collaborative Editing Frameworks for XML (CEFX) .

Tagungsband zum DoIT Software-Forschungstag, Stuttgart, 2004, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2005, S. 150-165. ISBN 3-8167-6715-X

Gerlicher, A., Rupp, S.: Symbian OS – Eine Einführung in die Anwendungsentwicklung.

dPunkt Verlag, 2004, 308 Seiten. ISBN 3-89864-285-2

Presentations, Workshops & Lectures

COVESA All Members Meeting 24.-26.9.2024 Novi, MI, USA

Panel Discussion on “Unlocking Mobility Potential: the Role of Consented Data in Connected Services”

3. Mobile Day Summiertem 2017

Day with invited speakers. See video stream here: .

Mobile Day

Day with invite speakers form the industry (Excelsis, Cellular, Moovel,  Xdi 360) (12/15)

Are Mobile Technologies a Driver of
Innovation & Convergence ?

Presentation at the Enterprise Mobility Forum, Stuttgart (11/15)

Automotive Apps & Gamification

Presentation at the BizPlay 2015, Karlsruhe (09/15)

Auto Play – Enhancing the enjoyability of the manual and autonomous vehicle experience

Presentation at the Apps to Automotive Conference 2015, Esslingen (06/15)

Telematics App-Challenge

Presentation at the Apps to Automotive Conference 2015, Esslingen (06/15)

Automotive App Design – Manufacturers Fears & Developers Hopes

Lecture at the RMIT University, Melbourne (02/15)

Mobile Internet & Apps – Trends and Perspectives

Presentation in commission of the MFG Academy at the Workshop on “Mobile Apps for Communities”, January 28th 2014. Breitscheidstr. 4, Stuttgart (01/14)

Mobile Media in Automotive. Status and future of apps in the car.

Presentation in commision of the association of the printing industries. 3. Infoday E-Media (3. Infotag E-Medien). (11/13).

The variety of apps. Where will it lead us? (Die Bunte Vielfalt der Apps. Wohin geht die Reise?)

Presentation in commision of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. (12/12).

Internet and Mobile Services 2015 – Outlook and Trends, Possible Applications in Public Transport

Workshop and presentation in commision of Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH (VVS) (07/12).

Internetbased Automotive Applications

Workshop at Steinbeis, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart in commision of Betrandt AG (07/12).

Mobile Media – Outlook and Trends of Mobile Applications in the Automotive Industries

Internal Talk at the Mercedes-Benz R&D Telematics Division, Daimler AG, Sindelfingen (03/12).

Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

Talk at the Electronic Publishing workshop of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels), March 2012, Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. Paulinenstr. 53, 70178 Stuttgart

Die Zukunft des mobilen Edu- und Entertainment – Wo geht die Reise hin?

Mobile Games: Zukunftspfade, Gestaltung, Produktion. (12/10) MFG Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

Implementierung von XML Datenformaten zum Austausch und zur Migration von Bordnetzen

Pro STEP iViP Symposium 2008 (04/08) Berlin

Transparent Extension of Single-User Applications to Multi-User Real-Time Collaborative Systems – An Aspect Oriented Approach to Framework Integration

9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (06/07) Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

Collaborative Engineering – Die Bordnetzentwicklung der Zukunft

3. Automotive Harness Forum (10/06) München

A Framework for Real-Time Collaborative Engineering in the Automotive Industries

3. Int. Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (09/06) Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Schulungen in der Anwendungsentwicklung für Symbian OS basierte Mobiltelefone

bei TietoEnator GmbH, Dortmund (09/05); AG, Karlsruhe (08/04); T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH, Bonn (10/03)

Die Flut der mobilen Plattformen. Gibt es eine Arche Noah für Softwareentwickler?

Fachthementreffen Advanched Technology Consulting GmbH (04/05) Böblingen

Developing a method for web-based collaborative editing of XML documents which will improve collaborative editing procedures

Spring Research Symposium, London College of Communication (02/05) London, Großbritannien

Vorlesung Symbian OS Entwicklung im Studiengang Mobile Application Management, HTI Biel

(07/04) Biel, Schweiz

Real-time web-based collaborative editing of XML documents

European CSCW Conference 2003, Doctoral Colloquium (09/03)
Helsinki, Finnland