
Here you can find Master- and Bachelor-Thesis topics that I offer as well as information on ongoing or completed theses supervised by me.

Important Notice: all slots for Bachelor-/Master-Thesis for this summer term are full

Offered Theses for Winter Term 24

  • Conception and prototyopical implementation of a multi-model & multi-agent workflow for web-development.
    • Masterthesis at Stuttgart Media University
  • Generative KI for 3D modeling – Evaluation and Prototypical implementation
    • Bacherlor- and / or Masterthesis at Stuttgart Media University
  • Enabling automotive usage for OpenXR devices
    • Bachelor- oder Masterthesis in cooperation with Mercedes-Benz Research
  • Konzeption und Entwicklung eines KI basierten Protokoll-Assistenten
    • Masterthesis at the Stuttgart Media University
  • Automotive Privacy Principles – Welche Möglichkeiten zur Wahrung von Privatsphäre gibt im Automobil? Siehe:
    • Bachelor or Masterthesis at the Stuttgart Media University
  • Evaluation of the Flowcar System:
    • Bachelor or Masterthesis at the Stuttgart Media University
  • Analysation of standards and methods for GDPR (DSGVO) compliant server side storage of user data (health data) for mobile and web applications
    • Bachelorthesis at the Stuttgart Media University

Completed and Current Theses

Winter Term 2024

  • Isabella Mötsch: TBD. MSc
  • Torben Ziegler: TBD. MSc
  • Nikita Ferreira Lopes: TBD. BSc
  • Teresa Kutzner: Topic Modeling mit genAI zur Analyse von User-Feedback. MSc
  • Anna Scholz: TBD. BSc
  • Anna Nguyen: TBD. BSc
  • Steffen Singer: TBD. BSc

Summer Term 2024

  • Samira Seckner:  Konzeption einer euen Version des PreSales Tools “eCharging Planner” der Mercedes Benz AG mit bidirektionalem Laden. MSc
  • Michelle Albrandt:  Motivation zur Nutzung von Ride-Sharing-Diensten: Erforschung und Design einer benutzerfreundlichen App. MSc
  • Till Meinköhn: Mensch-KI Kollaboration: Die Gestaltung von ko-kreativer Künstlicher Intelligenz in Extended Reality. BSc. 8.7.2024
  • Mats Bayer: Entwicklung eines auf Open Source basierenden Prototyps zur Gestensteuerung eines HMIs für Produktionsmaschinen. BSc,  1.7.2024
  • Luca Wehner: TDB. MSc
  • Tabea Schuler: Konzeption und Entwicklung eines KI-basierten Protokoll-Assistenten. BSc
  • Julian Erne: TBD. BSc
  • Patrick Schreier: TBD. BSc
  • Nicolas Happ: Power consumption, networking, background-tasks: considerations for updating Wear OS tiles and complications in standalone- and nonstandalone-app scenarios. BSc
  • Nikola Hein: TBD. BSc
  • Luisa Schaub: Die Zukunft beruflicher Mobilität: Eine Analyse nutzerseitiger Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse an eine Arbeitsumgebung im autonomen Fahrzeug, BSc, 1.7.2024
  • Jann Huschka: Entwicklung und Evaluierung nutzerzentrierter Interaktionskonzepte für KI-basierte Beratung in einem VR-Auto-Konfigurator. BSc
  • Lucas Goldner: Driving Habit Formation in Fitness Apps Through UX and Motivational Strategies: Insights from an AirPods-Compatible Application. BSc
  • Marvin Große: Exploring OpenXR for Vehicle Integration in Virtual Environments: A Theoretical Study. BSc
  • Tabea Schuler: TBD. BSc
  • Jens Schlegel: Konzeption, Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Lernassistenten basierend auf Large Language Models. BSc. 15.7.2024
  • Elias Merzhäuser: Barrierefreie Kollaboration in VR: Konzeption einer interaktiven und inklusiven Lernumgebung für digitale Whiteboards. MSc
  • Illya Geybo: Onlinekurs zu barrierefreien Word-Dokumenten. BSc

Winter Term 2024 (Research Semester)

  • Purger, Chiara; Portierung of iOS-Apps to Android – Analysis and Evaluation of existing solutions and frameworks, 27.12.2023, BSc.
  • Walker, Zack; Enhancing an Autonomous Vehicle Simulation through Holoride Technology Integration: A Conceptual Framework and Development, ongoing MSc.
  • Saueressig, Kristin; Influencing and creating moods via mobile applications – using the breathe-app as a case study for relaxation, ongoing MSc.

Summer Term 2023

  • Sandra Herbst: Einsatz von Gamification in einer App für Asthma Patienten am Beispiel einer Implementierung für Android
  • Philipp Zimmermann: Nutzerstudie zur Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Kontaktformularen
  • Charlotte Springman:User Experience und Usability im E-Commerce
  • Jessica Gomm: Anreizsysteme und Nutzerzufriedenheit – User Experience Design Konzept am Beispiel einer CO2 Tracking Applikation
  • Robin Mayer:Die Nutzung von Augmented Realitity bei physischen Einrichtungsprozessen
  • Magali Gröter:Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Gamification Konzepts für eine digitale Juralernplattform anhand eines User Centered design Ansatzes
  • Kai Schwabe:Moderne UI Frameworks auf Embedded Devices. Eine Untersuchung von modernen nativen UI Frameworks am Beispiel Flutter und webbasierten UI Frameworks am Beispiel Electron im Vergleich zu traditionellen UI
  • Judith Rothacker: Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluation einer Android App für Kindertagesstätten
  • Madleen Willmann: Konzeption und Entwicklung einer mobilen Anwendung zur Messung von Objektdimensionen im dreidimensionalen Raum
  • Hannes Koksch: Evaluation von Workflows und Tools zum unabhängigen Testen einzelner Features im Kontext agiler Softwareentwicklung
  • Niko Dangel: Entwicklung eines Softwaretools zur automatischen Bewertung und Bereitstellung von Fahrzeugdaten für Testfahrzeuge
  • Steffen Fingerle: motivational design patterns for shared mobility applications
  • Jonas Held
  • Tobias Helmrich

Winter Term 2022

  • Anne Schmachtenberger, Visualisierung eines KI basierten Decision-Support-System für Revierförster zur Schaffung von Transparenz und Vertrauen
  • Florian Skobowsky, Konzeption und Entwicklung eines prototypischen Systems zur Digitalisierung der Bestandsermittlung und Bestellprozesse von Konsumgütern
    mit Hilfe einer Mobilen Anwendung
  • Niklas Schildhauer, Konzeption und Entwicklung einer Anwendung zur Digitalisierung der Kontrolltermine beim Hautarzt
  • Christof Schwarzenberger, Charging Experiences for the Cars of the Future, Mercedes-Benz AG
  • Jasmin Droescher, GraalVM and Quarkus
  • Robin Mayer, tbd.
  • Cornelius Imhof, Design und Umsetzung einer zentral verwaltbaren und flexibel einsetzbaren IoT-Plattform
  • Lukas Zahel, Konzeption und Entwicklung eines prototypischen Systems zur Digitalisierung der Bestandsermittlung und Bestellprozesse von Konsumgütern
    mit Hilfe einer Mobilen Anwendung, doubleSlash
  • Salome Wecks, tbd.
  • Dennis Schmidt, tbd.
  • Minh Vu Nguyen, Konzeption und Implementierung eines CLI-Tools, um die Einrichtung einer Fullstack Webapplikation zu automatisieren und die Entwicklungsprozesse eines Softwareentwicklers zu optimieren
  • Torben Ziegler, Contextualization through use of dynamic vehicle & user data to personalize in-car entertainment experience, 3SS, completed 09.01.2023
  • Fabiola Dums, Evaluation des Mobile Trends Super App Ansatzes anhand einer prototypischen Umsetzung im Versicherungssektor.
  • Nicole Wölfel, tbd.

Summer Term 2022

  • Artur Bergen, Development of a self-hosted serverless web-application stack in a cloud agnostic manner, Master-Thesis, 30.08.2022, HdM
  • Aydin Mirzigayev, Bildbasierte Bestimmung von Pflanzen auf Wasserfächen Konzept für einen schwimmfähigen Roboter zur Beseitigung von Pflanzen auf Wasserflächen, Bachelor-Thesis, 07.06.2022, HdM
  • Christian Heinz, Einfluss der User Experience einer Smart-Charging- Anwendung für Ökostrom-optimiertes Laden, Bachelor-Thesis, 29.08.2022, Mercedes-Benz AG
  • Jonas Leitner, BLOCKCHAIN UND NFTS – SINNVOLLER EINSATZ JENSEITS VON KRYPTOWÄHRUNGEN? Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung einer NFT basierten Lösung zur sicheren Verwahrung von digitalen Fahrzeugdokumenten, Bachelor-Thesis, 11.07.2022, HdM
  • Lennart Gastler, Comparison between Server Side Rendering (SSR) and JAMStack based (SSG) Isomorphic Web Applications in terms of performance and user experience taking into account modern distributed web infrastructure, Bachelor-Thesis, 28.04.2022, HdM
  • Luca Krämer, Integration von IoT-Asset-Monitoring auf Basis des digitalen Gerätezwillings im cloudspezifischen Umfeld des Azure IoT-Hubs, Bachelor-Thesis, 31.08.2022, L-Mobile
  • Luca Wehner, Die Zukunft nachhaltiger Smart-Charging Apps – Features, Anwendungsszenarien und Interaktionswege, Bachelor-Thesis, 24.08.2022, Mercedes-Benz AG
  • Luisa Fröhlich, Konzeption und Realisierung eines interaktiven Anwendererlebnisses auf Basis des Apple Shazam Kits, Master-Thesis, 30.09.2022, exxeta AG
  • Thomas Marquardt, Evaluation des Einsatzes von gRPC in Enterprise Webanwendungen im Vergleich zu RESTful APIs, 30.08.2022, SprintEins GmbH

Winter Term 2021

  • Cyberphysische Interaktion in Virtual Reality – Einsatz von Handtracking und realen Objekten zur Erhöhung der Immersion
    • Master-Thesis of Johannes Goss in cooperation with Arena2036 and Mercedes-Benz
  • Onboard-Feedback für die nachhaltige Nutzung von Elektrofahrzeugen: Untersuchung der nutzerseitigen Erwartungen und Anforderungen an die User Experience eines spielbasiertes Eco-Driving Assistenzsystems, welches den Fahrer zu einem umweltschonenden Fahrverhalten motiviert.
    • Bachelor-Thesis of Elias Merzhäuser in cooperation with Mercedes-Benz
  • Evaluation von Backend as a Service Anbietern und prototypische lmplementierung einer Flutter App
    • Bachelor-Thesis of David Tomschitz
  • Augmented Reality for Navigating Large-Scale Environments – Agent Intent Visualization
    • Master-Thesis of Daniel Cantz in cooperation with Porsche AG

Summer term 2021

  • Development of a predictive modeling system to calculate the amount of insulin injected into diabetic patients
    • Bachelor-Thesis of Luca Frank at Stuttgart Media University in cooperation with Bitfactory. Completed 25.5.21.
  • How to transition between real and virtual worlds.
    • Bachelorthesis of Christoph Schwarzenberger in cooperation with Mercedes-Benz AG Pioneering.
  • Desktop Application Development with Cross-Platform UI Toolkits and Frameworks – Analysis and Comparison with focus on Compose for Desktop
    • Bachelorthesis of Christos Malliaridis in cooperation with jetbrains.
  • Possibility of (location-based) Augmented Reality with Web-technologies – Evaluation bases on a prototype for navigation and provision of product information in stores
    • Masterthesis of Maximilian Narr.
  • Protypical conception and implementation of an online service for agile development.
    • Bachelorthesis of Michelle Albrandt.
  • Image-based procedures and algorithms for tracking of food and meals
    • Bachelorthesis of Rebecca Westhäußer. Completed, 23.8.2021.
  • User-onboarding in web-applications – from conception to implementation.
    • Bachelorthesis of Tim Schaal. Completed, 23.8.2021.

Winter term 2020/21

  • Evaluation of Frameworks for Tracking of Threedimensional Objects for Augmented Reality
    • Master-Thesis of Johannes Mauthe. Completed 26.7.2021.
  • Context dependent Visualization of Information with Augmented Realty (Kontextabhängige Anzeige von Informationen in einer Augmented Reality)
    • Bachelor-Thesis of Dennis Moors in cooperation with Iteratec. Completed 1.2.21.
  • Analysis and Conception of Requirements for a Future Workplace in Disposition by Example at Porsche AG (Analyse und Konzeption der Anforderungen an einen Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft in der Disposition am Beispiel der Porsche AG)
    • Bachelor-Thesis of Ines Kranich in cooperation with Porsche AG. Completed 31.1.21.
  • Early Detection of Quality Changes in Software by Analysis of Continuous Integration Pipelines by Example of Autonomous Driving
    • Master-Thesis of Malte Lohrer in cooperation with Daimler AG. Completed 8.4.21
  • Evaluation of Ultra Wide Band Technology as an Extension for RSSI Based Location Estimation
    • Master-Thesis of Miro Bilge in cooperation with M-Way Solutions GmbH. Completed 22.4.21.
  • Improving User Experience of Passengers in Autonomous Vehicles using Anthropomorph In-Car Systems in Different Driving Situations
    • Bachelor-Thesis of Sandra Gally at the Stuttgart Media University. Completed 14.1.21.
  • Evaluation of usage scenarios for Web-Assembly
    • Master-Thesis of Tim Landenberger in cooperation with Inovex GmbH. Completed 31.5.21.
  • Development and Evaluation of a Web Application for Interaction between Autonomous Vehicles and their Passengers
    • Master-Thesis of Sebastian Wachter at the Stuttgart Media University. Completed 23.8.2021.
  • Simplification of Videoanalysis in Sports by Standardization of Live Video Tagging Data Formats
    • Bachelor-Thesis of Jannik Schlemmer at the Stuttgart Media University. Completed 12.4.21.
  • Use Cases and User Experience of Instant-Apps: Development of App Clips in the Context of Restaurant Bookings
    • Master-Thesis of Moritz Storz in cooperation with Adrodev. Completed 21.7.2021.

Summer term 2020

  • Mobility Match-Making Apps and Ride Sharing as a Service for CarSharing Plattforms
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Niko Ruthardt, completed 21.9.20
  • Development of a Match-Making System Concept for Autonomous Shuttles in order to improve the User Experience
    • Master-Thesis by Maximilian Tränker, completed 30.11.20
  • Hybrid AI in autonomous vehicles
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Carlo Knödler, completed 1.7.20
  • Conception & Development of an Web-Based Ordering Platform for Company Purchasing Departments
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Ercan Sezer, completed 8.9.20
  • Development of UX Design for Web-Based Ordering Platforms
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Egzon Shala, completed 8.9.20
  • Using machine learning for mobile cross-platform develoment by example of Tensorflow Lite
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Erik Großkopf, completed 1.8.20
  • Developer Experience of cross-platform app frameworks – MobileUI vs.  Ionic
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Fabiola Dums, completed 6.8.20
  • Connected Car-APIs
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Felix Dimmler, completed 12.8.20
  • Practical Evaluation of Object Recognition in iOS using CoreML and ARKit
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Lisia Dutt, completed 21.9.20
  • Test scenarios in a serverless context
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Marcel-Ioannis Gregoriadis, completed 18.8.20
  • Analysis of frameworks with a Jamstack approach for building modern web applications, based on different requirements
    • Bachelor-Thesis by Henrik Wirth, completed 28.7.20

The following theses were supervised by me in the past few years. Outstanding good or interesting theses you can find in the blog posts using the search or filter by categories.

Winter Term 2019/20

  • Svenja Bussinger, M.Sc.
    • Telemedical solutions for medical practice, completed 15.05.2020
  • Dennis Kreuzer, B.Sc.
    • Evaluation of different cross-platform technologies for app development. (Welche Cross Plattform Technologie eignet sich am besten für die Implementierung, der Eltako Smart Home App?). Completed 28.02.2020
  • Robin Zachmann
    • Modern Software-Architecture Design in individual software, completed 15.04.2020

Summer Term 2019

  • Alexandra Rink, M.Sc.
    • Transparency in AI Systems, completed 21.11.2019
  • Janina Wachendorfer, B.Sc.
    • Programmiermodelle zur Umsetzung von Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen für Instant Apps im Automotive Kontext, completed 05.08.2019

Winter Term 2018/19

  • Christof Kost, M.Sc.
    • State of the Art Cross-Platform Mobile Frameworks, completed 10.05.2019
  • Daniel Mayer, M.Sc.
    • Detecting Car-Parking Spaces using Mask Region-based Convolutional Networks, completed 31.07.2019
  • Miro Bilge, B.Sc.
    • Development of a scalable und extensible buildingsmanagementsystems based on Beacon a Mesh Nework (Entwicklung eines skalier- und erweiterbaren Gebäudeüberwachungssystems auf Basis eines Beacon Mesh Netzwerkes), completed 15.02.2019
  • Johannes Mauthe, B.Sc.
    • Evalution of a Augmented-Reality Realtime-Objectdetection an example of an iOS application for detecting skin cancer (Evaluierung einer Augmented Reality Echtzeit-Objekterkennung am Beispiel einer iOS Anwendung zur Hautkrebsanalyse), completed 10.03.2019
  • Michael Lämmle, M.Sc.
    • Konzeption einer modularen Web-Lösung zur Integration von Kunden und externen Parteien in unternehmensinterne Prozesse und Daten auf Basis eines Enterprise Content Management-Systems, completed 15.05.2019
  • David Lüttmann, B.Sc.
    • Konzept und Implementierung einer System UI für Android Automotive am Beispiel eines Infotainmentsystems der Porsche AG, completed 19.02.2019
  • Christof Hoste, B.Sc.
    • Prototyp einer freihändigen App-Navigation per Eye-Tracking mit ARKit und TrueDepth, completed 28.02.2019
  • Philipp Joseph, M.Sc.
    • Cross Plattform Entwicklung für Augmented Reality Entwicklung mobiler AR Anwendungen mit dem Ahead-Of-Time Compiler RoboVM, completed 08.04.2019

Summer Term 2018

  • Kaan Keskinsoy, B.Sc.
    •  Android Mobility Detection Library. Start date: 15.6.18, end date: 14.9.2018.
  • Lisa Sophie Kramer, B.Sc.
    •  Web Performance Optimierung with HTTP 2.0. Start date: 18.6.18, end date: 17.9.2018.
  • Mario Walz, M.Sc.
    • Smart Contract Based Blockchain Providing Quality Assurance Along the Supply Chain of the Food Industry. Start date: 18.5.18, end date: 19.11.2018. Kollo
  • Monika Grabke, B.Sc.
    •  Andorid Mobility Detection Library. Start date: 28.5.18, end date: 27.8.2018.
  • Tim Tenckhoff, B.Sc.
    •  Implementation and Evaluation of a Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Last Mile Delivery Optimization. Start date: 01.6.18, end date: 31.8.2018.

Winter Term 2017

  • Paul Ciesla, B.Sc.
    • Conception and prototypical implementation of position based Augmented Reality Clients for Virtual Reality applications. In cooperation with Lightshape. Finished 13.11.2017
  • David Bochan, M.Sc.
    • Development of an energy model application for e-vehicles. Thesis in cooperation with Porsche AG, R&D. Finished 26.4.2018
  • Aurelia Bachmann, B.Sc.
    • Individuelle Mobilitätsinformationen in Echtzeit teilen und darstellen – Konzeption und prototypische Umsetzung einer Webanwendung. Thesis in cooperation with Moovel. Finished 26.1.2018
  • Douglas Sondheim
    • Backend-as-a-Service gekoppelt mit einem Application Gateway auf Basis von Docker Swarm. In cooperation with m-way solutions. Finished 28.2.2018
  • Jannik Lorenz
    • Pro- and Cons- of Push-Technologies in Combination with React Redux. Thesis in cooperation with Moovel. Finished 19.1.2018
  • Josefine Hartung
    • API Design – A Comparison of GraphQL with REST on an Example Implementation. Thesis in cooperation with Moovel. Completed 03.04.2018
  • Simon Schuster
    • Blockchains: Analysis, Conceptualisation and Implementation of a Blockchain bases Micropayment-Webservice. Thesis in cooperation with MeetNow! GmbH. Finished 3.4.2018
  • Malte Lohrer
    • Continuous Integration der Diagnosetoolkette der Daimler AG. In cooperation with Daimler. Finished 5.4.2018
  • Nadine Adolf
    • Plattformunabhängige Tests für mobile Endgeräte. In cooperation with Bosch. Finished 3.4.2018

Summer Term 2017

  • Michael Stoll, B.Sc.
  • Philipp Burger, M.Sc.
    • Mobile Remote Diagnosis (working title), Thesis in cooperation with Daimler AG, R&D. Completion date 7.9.2017.
  • Denny Scarlino, B.Sc.
    • Evaluation of AR-Frameworks by example for a digital card-based innovation tool. Completion date 6.9.2017. Thesis at the HdM
  • Manuel Schulze, B.Sc.
    • Conception and prototypical implementation of an application user interface for filtering e-mails depending on context using  User-Centered-Design. Completion date 11.9.2017. Thesis in cooperation with the Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Paul Pflug, B.Sc.
    • Evaluation of distinct cloud-services for mobile app backend provisioning by example of an audit app. Completion date 19.9.2017. Thesis in cooperation with FRIDIEinteractive
  • Sven Lindauer, M.Sc.
    • Background Synchronization and Push Notifications within the Progressive Web. Completion date 21.9.027.
  • Tobias Schmücker, B.Sc. 😊
    • Visualisation and parametrization of Organoid-models using web technologies for 3D-Bioprinting. Completion date 17.7.2017. Thesis with blocking notice (confidential) 🙈
  • Calieston Varatharajah, M.Sc.
    • Conception and evaluation of a Product Data Delivery Platform for efficient provisioning of production data within Product Information Management Systems for e-commerce platforms. Due date 16.01.2018.
  • Anna Poth, M.Sc.
    • Mobile Service for IOT – Guiding Systems. Completion date 5.9.2017. In cooperation with logic line GmbH. Read the short paper to the thesis here! (German)
  • Achim Asirkbekov, B.Sc.
    • Conceptualisation and Implementation of a Purchase-Platform for SMEs in cooperation with Areus Engineering. Completion date 22.9.2017
  • Kevin Fischer
    • iBeacon Management System in cooperation with entrecode GmbH. Completion date: 7.8.2017.
  • Lisa Philipp
    • Interconnection of CAN-Bus and Unreal-Engine for visualization of vehicle data, Masterthesis in cooperation with Bosch Engineering GmbH. Completion date: 19.9.2017. In cooperation with Bosch Engineering GmbH

Winter Term 2016

  • Jennifer Zajac, M.Sc.
    • Conceptualization and Prototypical Implementation of Security in Cloud-Based Systems for Connected Vehicles. Completion date: 25.4.2017. Thesis in cooperation with Daimler TSS GmbH
  • Antonia Böttinger, M.Sc.
    • Prototypical Realisation of a Future Oriented Digital Touchpoint for a Insurance Marketleader increasing the customer satisfaction and customer retention. Completion date: 27.4.2017. Thesis in cooperation with diconium digital solutions GmbH.
  • Valentin Kauth, B.Sc.
    • Prediction of Critical Health Situations in the Vehicle Context and Prototypical Implementation of a Warning System. Completion date: 30.01.2017
  • Phillip Stolz, B.Sc.
    • Conception and implementation of an iBeacon management system. Completion date: 13.03.2017
  • Pascal Weik, B.Sc.
    • Conception and development of an Android assistant-application in the area of “connected truck” for the discharging of commercial vehicles with Fleetboard telematic unit. Completion date: 21.4.2017. In cooperation with Gigatronik GmbH
  • Pascal Spicker, B.Sc.
    • Integration of mobile Applications into existing IT-systems by example on iOS for the foreign trade. Completion date: March 6th, 2017. Thesis in cooperation with Daimer AG.
  • Nico Gerdung, M.Sc.
    • Implications of emerging web-technologies on front-end development. In cooperation with Daimler AG.  Completion date 04.07.2017.
  • Marco Milovanovic, B.Sc.
    • Recommending a technology stack for the development of a mobile app backend platform. Completion date: 20.03.2017
  • Manuel Schwandt, M.Sc.
    • Development of an application for tracking real and generation realistic driving data. In cooperation with Porsche AG. Completion date: 19.06.2017
  • Manuel Kalla, M.Sc.
    • Evaluation of web application technologies for rapid prototyping. In cooperation with Daimler AG. Completion date: 04.07.2017
  • Lasse Schölkopf, B.Sc.
    • Using VR environments for iteraction evaluation in the driving context. Completion date: 28.3.2017
  • Gabriela Seiffer, M.Sc.
    • Pedestrian dead reckoning – Development of an indoor tracking algorithm based on smartphone sensors. Completion date 1.3.2017. Thesis in cooperation with M-Way Solutions GmbH.
  • Florian Rettenmaier, B.Sc.
    • Conception, implementation and evaluation of a smart ship cabin with focus on speech control by example on TUI Cruises. Completion date: 31.3.2017. In cooperation with Cellular
  • Eric Birgel, B.Sc.
    • Software concept for extension of the ProToF Fielddevices with Bluetooth Low Energy, Completion date: 23.03.2017. Thesis in cooperation with Endress + Hauser

Summer Term 2016

  • Carolin von Oehsen, Design, Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based Software for the Graphical Modelling of Storage-Rooms in Mercedes-Benz Vans by use of User Centred Design. Due date: November 14, 2016
  • Christopher Walz, B.Sc.: Processing and Visualization of Real-Time Datastreams in Mobile Cloud Computing Architectures by Example of a Fleet Management App. August 22, 2016
  • Fabian Kugler, B.Sc.: Conceptualization and Implementation of a Software Prototype for Location Tracking using Wearables in Term of Accuracy, Availability and Energy Efficiency. August 12, 2016
  • Johannes Käppler, B.Sc.: Conception and Implementation of a Prototypical Transparent Pillar. September 9, 2016
  • Kai-Steffen Reeh, B.Sc.: Web Performance: Load Testing for HTTP/2 & WebSockets – Framework Evaluation. August 16, 2016
  • Kisanet Habte, M.Sc.: The Internet of Things – Chances, Risks and Challenges. August 31, 2016
  • Michael Kreuzer, M.Sc.: Development of a Digital Detox App – Applying behavior change by means of an autonomous app filtering system. August 29, 2016
  • Simon Strobel, B.Sc.: Conception and Prototypical Implementation of an Programming Interface for Read- and Write-Access to Vehicle Data. July 29, 2016

Winter Term 2015

  • Alexander Barth, B.Sc.: Evaluation of Push-Services between Production Lines and Mobile Devices. February 23, 2016
  • Alexander Dercho, B.Sc.: Digitalisation of Card Games. February 4, 2016
  • Alexander Walger, M.Sc.: The Agent Framework – a mobile multi-agent system with an adaptive multi-modal user interface. May 1st, 2016
  • Christian Lang, B.Sc.: Conception and Realisation of a Cliet-Server-Solution for Location- and Namebased Provisioning of Heterogeneous Map Data. January 18., 2016
  • Claudia Kutz, B.Sc.: System for Analysis and Visualization of Transport Data for the Management. April 12, 2016
  • Elias Schreiner, B.Sc.: UI Migration of the APM Application “inspectIT” from Eclipse RCP Version 3 to 4. February 2. 2016
  • Hannah Frey, B.Sc.: Hybride Hype – Comparison of Native and Hybrid Components of a Business App. January 20, 2016
  • Heiko Storz, M.Sc.: The Agent Framework – Creating an Adaptive Multi-Modal User Interface for a Mobile Multi-Agent System. May 1st, 2016
  • Jakob Pelz, B.Sc.: Visualisation of a Tunnel-in-the-Sky View on Android. February 29, 2016
  • Kristina Haar, B.Sc.: Comparison of Mobile Device to Vehicle Integration Technologies and IVI-Systems in Terms of Future Business Models. February 29, 2016
  • Lucas Spieß, B.Sc.: Modularization and Inter-Module Communication in a Statically Compiled Mobile Library for Apple Platforms. April 5, 2016
  • Marcel Schmitt, B.Sc.: Adaptive and Dynamic User-Interfaces for Automatisation Devices. February 29, 2016
  • Markus Noack, M.Sc.: Integration of Internet of Things Related Information in Enterprise Processes. March 2016
  • Matthias Hausner, M.Sc.: Implementation and Evaluation of Smartwatch-based Authentication Methods. July 18, 2016
  • Michael Locher, B.Sc.: Development of a Hybrid App to Interact with Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons on the Example of Gyms. February 10, 2016
  • Philipp Reik, B.Sc.: Conception and Evaluation of a Beacon Strategy by Example of a Fitness Studio. February 10, 2016
  • Sandra Moraa, B.Sc.: The Change in Mobile Finance Services. January 28, 2016
  • Steffen Hinderer, M.Sc.: Design and Implementation of a Connected Car to Smart Home Prototyping Platform. April 22, 2016
  • Tobias Stricker, B.Sc.: Conceptualization and Prototypical Implementation of a Mobile Brainstorming Tool -User Experience Case Study-. March 20, 2016
  • Vitali Leschinger, B.Sc.: Development of an Automated Test for Variant Coding. January 4, 2016
  • Matthias Rieger, B.Sc.: Smartphone Sensor-based Activity Tracking. February 29,2016

Summer Term 2015

  • Felix Roos, B.Sc.: Cross Platform Real Time Communication for Mobile Gaming, August 11, 2015
  • Lisa Kranz, M.Sc.: Design, Development and Evaluation of a Smartphone App for remote automotive Data, November 2, 2015
  • Lisa Otter, B.Sc.: Comparison of the Web-Frameworks AngularJS and Vaadin in Terms of Web- and Mobile Development, June 22, 2015
  • Mario Walz, B.Sc.: Analysis and Evaluation of the Cross-Plattform-Framework Xamarin based on a mobile productivity app. July 31, 2015
  • Nathalie Bressa, B.Sc.: iBeacon Security. August 31, 2015
  • Sabrina Meier, B.Sc.: User-Interface Concepts for universal Tablet- and Smartphone Apps, August 31, 2015